Since June 8, de-confinement entered a new phase and the Lyon CNSMD is gradually resuming some of its activities.
By sticking to social distances and observing health rules, students can start booking practice rooms for individual distribution. Loans and returns of documents are possible at the library, by appointment. Entrance examination and final evaluation are reorganized as indicated in the FAQ section next to this text.
Finally, if remote working remains the rule for administration, all offices remain reachable at their usual email address and ensure the continuity of their missions.

À l'affiche



Le Prix de la Recherche artistique

Félicitations à Lisa Neffari, Cyril Van Ginneken et Jean-Nicolas Banck, lauréats de la seconde édition du Prix de la Recherche artistique organisé au CNSMD Lyon !


Félicitations à Hugo Sainte-Rose, bassoniste !

Il a remporté le concours de contre-basson solo à l’Orchestre National de Lyon !

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