qingqing-600 jacopo-600 louis-600

Les étudiants


3 student creations to watch !

Qingqing Teng

Composer / Acousmatic music, mixed music, sound installation, music for art video

biographie / Teng Qingqing is born in Hunan, China . Her works includes electroacoustic music, electronic music mix, improvisation, sound installation, sound design, and art video soundtracks. During her studies, she became interested in music theater, and tried to combine electronic music with it to create a new form of music expression « electronic music theater. » In Teng Qingqing’s works, the performers on stage are no longer simply defined as dancers, percussionists, vocalists or drama actors… but as a complex multifaceted interpretor. The aim is to make the electronic music itself more humanistic and dramatic through the combination of stage design, lighting design, script creation and the use of the player’s body. Her works is often done in collaboration with other artists. She received orders from the Proxima Centauri and Alcôme ensembles. Beijing Cultural Center Museum and PAS International Percussion Festival (China). Her works have been performed at the Biennale Musiques en Scène in Lyon, at the Théâtre de la Renaissance in Lyon, at the Détours de Babel festival in Grenoble, at the Haute École de musique de Genève, at the Musicacoustica festival (China), at the Taichung National Opera in Taiwan. She trained in composition with Jian Feng, Jean-Marc Weber then at the CNSMD in Lyon with François Roux and Jean Geoffroy. During the scholar year 21-22, she joined the IRCAM Cursus Program on Composition and Computer Music with Pierre Jodlowski.

Jacopo Greco D’Alceo

Artist / composition, choreography, direction

TRICOT is a piece for camera, fixed media and five dancers. Each element and member that contributed to the realisation of this piece is an individual which, only together, forms an entity. It wants to erase or, at least, to take the distance from the idea of « sexed » body. It delves deeply through the sensitive matter by the vivacity of the gazes, the laughter and the touch, which explodes in the end towards a reunion, a new architecture of bodies, a simulacrum. It is an unbroken sequence shot: the technique that most faithfully reproduces reality, close to the experience of a live performance. The camera is considered as a performer in the same way as dancers. Its movement is not initiated by the performer’s gestures, but instead it is a protagonist in its own right. Much as a loudspeaker would, the camera is the intermediary between the choreography and its finality. The camera’s eye becomes both the filter and the audience of the piece. It is part of the device and the performers.

After two years, this piece feels in a very different way. It was born in a peculiar context and in a no more than a three month period. It captured a very moment we lived together, after lockdown, with our desires, our purposes and our meanings. Now it has grown his own identity and path and created his own significance. It was selected in at least 10 international film festival, including the Official Selection 2021 of FEST – 2021 New Directors, New Films Festival (Espinho – PRT), PÖFF SHORTS (Tallin – EST) and Short Film Market – Festival international du court métrage (Clermont-Ferrand – FRA).

biographie / Creation is a compromise between reality and abstraction. In his pieces, Jacopo Greco d’Alceo seeks less and less distance between the two, reducing the gap between body and work. The composer becomes the pieces: he makes them from his own flesh and experience, he is part of them. They are an extension of our raw material body which changes, suffers, rots and ages. Artworks must react, too. Artistic forms must burst in our contemporary and contextual expression. They can no longer be stuck in the same medium. The twisted connections behind all his works now become clear, just as discovering the silhouette of a dancer in the background: what at a first glance may seem different paths and pieces, now becomes one and only solid line. Perhaps different variations of a long piece, it has no interest in remaining attached to a fixed genre or form, but aims to dig and dig deeper to seize a fragment of truth and personal expression. Jacopo Greco d’Alceo is « lauréat de la Fondation Royaumont ».

Louis Quiles

Artist Diploma – CreationS (post master)
Percusionist & composer / percussion, drum, contemporary music, electronic arts

Louis Quiles, began music by learning the piano at the age of 4, then the drums and finally the percussion. First interested by science, he later understood that music met his demand for research, while adding a scenic expression to it. Master’s graduate at the CNSMD of Lyon in percussion in the class of Minh-Tâm Nguyen and Jean Geoffroy, he is involved in contemporary creation and in interdisciplinary work through various formations: Ensemble Facture, Opéra de Lyon, Ensemble Orbis, Horus. He performs in various places and festivals: La Biennale d’Art Contemporain de Lyon, Le Théâtre de la Ville, Les Subsistances, le Festival Les Détours de Babel, le Festival Superspectives…  He integrates into his practice multiple skills that serve the performing arts: choreography, the construction of musical scenography, composition, computer coding and electronics. In 2022, he created a personal show « Une Tranche de Vide » developing through creations for percussion and dance a reflection around fascination and emptiness.  He teaches in a conservatory and integrates resonance teaching into his practice by developing the various questions that accompany his career as an artist.  Winner of several international competitions, he won a prize at the Juozas Pakalnis International Competition of Percussion in Vilnius in 2018 and at the International Competition of the Percussion Art Society of Athens in 2016.  Music is for him a universe of unlimited expression and percussion is in his practice a multidisciplinary profession which brings together many of his passions and personal reflections: expression, gesture, creation, research, timbre, trance, dialogue, transmission.

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